even if a country has legalized abortion care the inability of people to be able to afford it in the private sector and a shortage of medical professionals willing to or able to perform the procedure can discourage people from getting one, even when abortion care is legal, social norms and attitudes are often slower to change then legal statuses.
Macroeconomic costs and outcomes of abortion services and laws include the financial costs to society of restrictions on abortion, the extent to which the public sector bears the cost of abortion services, and the ripple effects of abortion access on women's employment rates and educational attainment.
firstly it is important to understand that post-abortion care is important as it is a major public health issue, unsafe abortions are a leading cause of maternal mobility, globally, over 300,000 deaths occur per year. It is also important to understand that post-abortion care services are expensive and can soak up large sums of the government health budgets; over US 171 million dollars Is spent annually in Africa to treat abortion complications, in countries with restrictive abortion access to post-abortion care is often prioritized to make the process more hygienic and safer, however The financial costs of abortion restrictions to society, the degree to which the public sector bears the cost of abortion services, and the knock-on effects of abortion access on women's employment rates and educational attainment are some of the macroeconomic costs and outcomes of abortion services and laws.
restriction on insurance coverage of abortion rights can heavily influence the financial accessibility of reproductive healthcare.
public sector coverage of abortion care is also sparse and has a lot of infrastructural difficulties, in most situations the individual ends up bearing most of the financial cost for the abortion, fact that very few countries have public programs that fully cover the costs of the procedure this leads to large numbers of individuals globally who have to pay out of pocket; these countries who do have good public programs are usually high-income economies like Australia, In nations where abortion is prohibited, it is essential to ensure that people have access to financial resources to pay for these expenses for them to be able to obtain medically supervised abortion services.
Numerous studies have established a connection between women's development in the workforce and in education and the legalization of abortion. Specifically, numerous studies have shown that legalizing abortion in the US raised women's labor market participation rates, particularly for Black single women, by lowering the number of unintended pregnancies. Regulations about abortion also affect women's fertility and even marriage rates. Regulations that increased access to abortion resulted in a sharp decline in birth rates and a rise in adult female marriage rates in Eastern Europe. Access to more liberal abortion policies also increases women's productivity in the workplace as it allows them to have better family planning which aligns with their goals.